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How to Install Google Analytics on Blogspot

Google Analytics is a free service provided by Google to track website development by displaying statistical information about website visitors accurately. Google Analytics provides a variety of service features that you can use to analyze the development of your website based on real-time information, audience, audience behavior, site conversions, and web page conversions.

In addition, Google Analytics can help you filter IP addresses to prevent ad clicks from your personal IP address and may affect report results. You can also connect Google Adsense to Google Analytics to see complete statistics of clicked adsense ad coverage, Adsense impressions, Adsense page impressions, adsense revenue, Adsense eCPM, Adsense CTR, Adsense ad units viewed and Adsense exit points.

Google Analytics allows you to generate reports on website/blog traffic on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. To sign up for Google Analytics, all you need is a Google account.

Creating a Google Analytics Account

  1. Login to Google Analytics dashboard with Google account at
  2. After that, select “Start measuring” on the start page of google analytics.Step 2 GA
  3. Go to the “Account Name” option and enter the desired account name, then click Next.Step 3 GA
  4. In the Property setup option, fill in the property name, time zone, and currency. Click “Show advanced option”, then activate “Create a Universal Analytics property”, enter the blogspot url to be analyzed in the Website URL column, and select “Create a Universal Analytics property only”. After that, click Next.Step 4 GA
    Step 4 GA
  5. Then go to the “About your business” option, select the category from your industry, business size, specify the intend you will use for blogspot analysis. Then click Create.Step 5 GA
    Step 5 GA
  6. After that, the Service Agreement appears, select the country and check “I also accept the Data Processing Terms as required by GDPR”, and click the I Accept button.Step 6 GA
  7. When finished we will get the tracking id and javascript code that can be linked to the blog.Step 7 GA

Installing Google Analytics on Blogspot

  1. Login to your blogger.
  2. Go to Theme, click the arrow next to Customize then select “Edit HTML”.Step 1 GA
  3. Copy the javascript code contained in google analytics, then paste it between <head>…</head>.Step 2 GA
    Step 2 GA
  4. After that, select Settings and then click Google Analytic Property ID. Copy the Tracking ID contained in google analytics to the Google Analytics Property ID then click Save.Step 3 GA
    Step 3 GA
  5. Congratulations, your blogspot is connected to google analytics. To see the results of the analysis, go to

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